Monday, March 24, 2008

Hemat browsing dengan Firefox extension Adblock Plus

Akses situs dengan banyak iklan bikin kita lelah. Tidak hanya lelah menghindari informasi pengganggu seperti iklan itu, tetapi juga boros bandwith internet, lelah bayarnya :). Situs banyak iklannya. Situs-situs lain yang dulunya "enak" dibaca, setelah populer jadi "susah" dibaca lantaran iklannya yang berjibun. Atau Anda ingin hemat bandwith dengan memblock/menghindar dari gambar-gambar banner situs yang besar tapi seringkali tidak memiliki muatan informasi yang berguna. Yaa hanya indah saja, tapi boros bandwith. Selain boros bandwith, aksesnya menjadi terasa lama sekali.

Solusi saya adalah install Adblock Plus di browser Firefox. Bahkan kemampuan firefox + ekstensi Adblock inilah yang menyebabkan saya dulu pertama kali berpindah dari Opera ke Firefox (sebelum Opera saya pengguna IE dan Mozilla, dan sebelum itu saya pengguna Netscape).

Cara pakainya:
1. Setelah diinstall dan firefox direstart, maka akan muncul icon Adblock Plus di navigation bar. Anda bisa enable atau disable fungsi Adblock Plus dengan mengklik icon Adblock Plus tersebut dan merubah contrengan di "Enable Adblock Plus".

2. Anda dapat memblock item yang tampil halaman situs yang sedang dibuka di browser sekarang dengan cara mengklik icon Adblock Plus dan pilih "open blockable items"
3. Untuk memblock salah satu image/gambar dalam suatu halaman situs yang sedang anda lihat, Anda tinggal klik kanan dan pilih
"Adblock Image"
4. Anda juga dapat menambahkan aturan filter tersendiri terhadap suatu situs dengan membuka preference Adblock Plus.
5. Anda juga dapat mendaftar kepada situs yang mengelola filter, sehingga Anda tidak perlu repot-repot membuat aturan-aturan filter sendiri satu per satu. Caranya dengan membuka preference dan kemudian pilh dari menu "Filter" kemudian "add filter subscription"

Dokumentasi klik disini.

Extension lain terkait:

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tulis secara offline artikel untuk blog

Memiliki banyak blog seringkali bikin repot kamu? Pingin ngeblog, tapi sering offline? Solusinya adalah tool offline blogging editor. Kamu bisa ngeblog meski komputer nggak nyambung internet. Gak perlu nunggu online untuk menuangkan ide-ide kamu yang cemerlang. Karena seringkali ide-ide itu datang bukan di waktu yang tepat.

Berikut beberapa tools untuk offline editing blog, semua free!

20 Website Social Network Terbaik

  1. Reddit is apopular social news Web site with a large user base. Covering a wide range of news, which focus on specific topics like programming, science, politics and business.
  2. Digg is the largest and most popular social news Web site on the Internet. Covering all topics including; politics, entertainment, technology and general news. Includes a separate video and image section. Allows users to share articles with their friends list or post to the most popular blog sites directly on a topic through Digg.
  3. Fark is a community news site which allows users to comment on news articles. User submitted links will be posted on the main page once they are approved by the administrators.
  4. Slashdot is primarily a tech news site, Slashdot also covers topics like books, games, politics and entertainment. Users can submit stories and they may be published after editors approve it.
  5. Mixx is one of the newest in general social news sites which has a category for all types of news. Topics covered include business, entertainment, sports, health and tech. Also includes personalization with the ability to create groups to share news with other interested users.
  6. Shoutwire is a general news site that is well populated with a loyal group of users. Topics covered include technology, politics, entertainment, lifestyle and sports.
  7. Newsvine is Web site consisting of community-driven news stories and opinions. Users have their own blogs and can write articles, save links to external content and vote/comment on other user stories.
  8. StumbleUpon is a social network and browser toolbar which allows users to channel surf the Internet. Technically not 100% a social news site, although users can submit Web pages to be rated by other users. Here is a guide to StumbleUpon.
  9. SWiK is a community driven resource for and by people who use open source software. Users can find free software or read and submit news.
  10. is a social bookmarking site, which invites users to organize and publicize interesting items through tagging and networking. Is a great site for documenting your favorite bookmarks and sharing them with others. Each time a site is bookmarked is "voted on" and begins to rank higher in the search ranks of the site.
  11. Technorati is a network of blogs and writers that lists top stories in categories like Business, Entertainment and Technology. With so many blogs out there Technorati makes it easier for users to see the blogs they want without having to go to so many sites.
  12. LinkedIn is a popular networking site where alumni, business associates, recent graduates and other professionals connect online. Users can utilize the network to find old colleagues, gather references, post their resume and network for career opportunities.
  13. Facebook is no longer just for college kids who want to post their party pics. Businesses vie for advertising opportunities, event promotion and more on this site. Users are beginning to create groups for everything from alumni associations to bird watching.
  14. Networking For Professionals is another online community that combines social and business networking on the Internet with special events in the real world. Post photos, videos, résumés and clips on your online profile while you meet new business contacts.
  15. Everyone's heard of YouTube, the single largest video streaming site on the internet. But anyone can
    have their own channel for videos at YouTube. Create an account and upload a behind-the-scenes video from your company's latest commercial or event to give customers and clients an idea of what you do each day.
  16. SecondLife is a 3-D virtual world that is so popular it makes money by selling virtual real-estate for hard cash. Several major companies have set up shop in SecondLife and Reuters has opened a news bureau there.
  17. MySpace is a self-publishing within your network of friends and colleagues. It's a grapevine. It aggregates opinion (what to listen to, what to watch, what's groovy) and is now the most popular web site in the United States.
  18. Livejournal is part self-publishing network and part blog; but has added security, privacy and filtering abilities that other social networks are lacking, making it ideal for those who wish to utilize a single account for multiple audiences. It is one of the fastest growing and most diverse social networks of its kind.
  19. Propeller is AOL's version of Digg and operates in a similar manner. It is a social news site that covers all topics from technology to politics and entertainment.
  20. Dzone is a free link-sharing community for developers. Members vote on upcoming links to determine what gets promoted. While everyone can browse, search and comment on links. Other topics commonly featured include web design and programming.

10 Langkah Pengamanan Fisik Komputer

Saat belajar jaringan komputer, kita selalu mendapatkan model 7 lapis
ISO atau model 4 lapis DoD. Selanjutnya mungkin ada pembahasan tentang
sekuriti di lapisan-lapisan itu. Bahkan saat suatu kantor membahas
sekuriti TI-nya, seringkali dibahas software apa yang dibutuhkan, dan
sedikit hardware. Tetapi keamanan kantor "tradisional" sejak dari
SATPAM sampai fisik server/komputer berada kurang dibahas. Berikut
cuplikan 10 langkah sekuriti fisik dari TechRepublic

  1. Kunci ruang server
  2. Pengawasan ruangan (siapa yang keluar masuk?)
  3. Pastikan bahwa device yang paling tidak aman berada di ruangan terkunci
  4. Gunakan server rack-mount
  5. Amankan workstation (apalagi yang sedang kosong tidak terpakai)

  6. Jaga agar penyelundup tidak membuka case (server/komputer)
  7. Proteksi komputer2 portable (laptop/notebook/PDA/HP)
  8. Selalu backup

  9. Disable drive-drive (rekomendasi: jangan pasang portable drive spt floppy, usb, cd) di komputer pengguna
  10. Proteksi printer (apalagi yang disharing)

Plugin Wajib Firefox

Firefox, browser terpopuler, terkenal karena kecepatan aksesnya. Tetapi saya menggunakan firefox tidak hanya karena itu, kecepatan firefox dalam mengadopsi fitur terbaik web browser yang paling menarik hati saya. Memang fitur-fitur itu bukan fitur default atau bawaan firefox. Mereka adalah plugins. Justru karena dalam bentuk plugins inilah kita dapat memodifikasi web browser firefox kita sesuai dengan keperluan kita.

Berikut ini adalah list plugins yang menurut saya wajib diinstall.
  • AdBlockPlus
  • All-In-One Sidebar 0.6.1
  • Always Remember Password 0.6
  • BlockSite 0.6
  • Codetch
  • ColorfulTabs 3.0
  • CustomizeGoogle 0.69
  • CuteMenus - Crystal SVG 1.9.2
  • DownThemAll 1.0
  • FasterFox 2.0.0
  • Firefox Showcase
  • Forcecastfox I10n
  • Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer 2.0.45
  • Furl Tools 0.8
  • GMail Notifier
  • Greasemonkey
  • Google Gears
  • Google Photo Screensavers 2.0
  • Googlepedia 0.5.1
  • Image Zoom 0.2.6
  • Japanese English Dictionary for rikaichan 1.05
  • No Squint 1.0.1 PDF Download 1.0.10
  • PeraPera-kun 0.5.22
  • Places' Full Titles 3rc3
  • PrefButtons 0.3.3
  • QuickJava
  • Redirect Remover 2.5.3
  • Remove It permanently
  • ScribeFire 1.4.7
  • Secure Login
  • Session Manager
  • SmoothWheel
  • Split Browser 0.4.2007100601
  • StopAutoplay 0.7.2
  • StumbleUpon 3.17
  • Stylish 0.5.1
  • SwitchProxy Tool 1.4.1
  • Taboo 0.1.2
  • Temporary Inbox 2.1
  • Tiny Menu 1.4.6
  • User Agent Switcher 0.6.10
  • XHTML Ruby Support 1.4.20061000801
  • Xinha Here! 0.12
  • Zotero 1.0.3
Memang tidak selamanya plugins itu dibutuhkan, kadang-kadang ada suatu
kondisi saya tidak perlu. Tapi solusinya cukup dengan meng-disable
plugins tersebut.